Small Business Advertising


Advertising is a form of Marketing.It is a way a business can communicate its product or service to its audience. Advertising is always present, though you may not be aware of it. There are three main objectives when it comes to advertising: To inform, to persuade, and to remind. To inform your target audience, advertisements are used to increase the brand awareness. Persuading your audience to perform a particular task is a prominent objective of advertising. Advertising is also used to remind existing and potential customers about the vision of the brand.

At Balancelogic, we can help convert the ideas and concepts you might have, and create visuals to help communicate your message to your audience.

Advertising can be categorized into 5 types based on the specific medium used:

 Print Advertising: Postcards, Brochures, Newspaper, Magazines, etc.
 Broadcast Advertising: Television and Radio advertisements
 Outdoor Advertising: Banners, Flags, Car Wraps, etc.
 Digital Advertising: Advertisements displayed on the internet or digital devices
 Product/Brand Integration: Product placements in entertainment media like TV Shows, YouTube, etc.

We can help you create, plan and manage all aspects of your business’ advertising needs. We can create any type of advertising material from websites, online and social media, brochures, postcards, direct mail, print ads, sales letters and much more.



Breaking Through the Marketing Barrier

Straight from our Breaking Through the Marketing Barrier seminar, this Ebook will provide a variety of information about what marketing really is and walk you through a variety of different elements of marketing in somewhat of a fun way.